Friday, April 6, 2012

Are we losing our sovereignty?

We are the United "States" of America. 50 individual countries, so to speak. 50 individual sovereign entities, standing united and who created a federal "government" to oversee how we deal with each other and with the world. The government, as set up in the Constitution, had a limited specific role. Its role, and the ground rules, are were laid out by the great representatives of those sovereign entities after long and careful debate. Later the Constitution was amended, to state what was the obvious – that any power not enumerated in the Constitution remains with the States.

We are the citizens of each individual sovereignty. By our daily efforts, we drive and mold our physical and economic destiny. Each state has the right to compete with any of our 49 sister states for new citizens, emigrants and immigrants. People move from state to state until they find one that best represents their morals, values, desires and beliefs. All of this occurs without the intervention of federal government.

If the States believe the federal government should have more to say in your life and business, then offer and pass an amendment to the constitution to allow it. If the enough States agree, we will have an amendment to the Constitution and It will be the law.

Otherwise, the rules are set.

The Supreme Court can only interpret the Constitution for us, based on its clear meaning and intent. They don't elect Presidents. They don't overrule the will of the people. They can't take anything from you unless it was given to you unconstitutionally. They keep Congress from running rampant.

If the States don't agree with their role, then change it- with an amendment.

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